This character always good for a smile or three.
Speaking of politics, we are choosing between two not so great choices in this election but it is extremely clear that I could never get behind McCain and Palin is a joke. People who only vote party from election to election are the reason our country is a mess. We need to weed through the lies and BS and pick who we feel will best represent ourselves and the general American public when voting. I admit it is rarely a Republican for me even though I always give them a chance. That said, it is not always a Democrat either. This year however, it will be a Democrat. Obama's poise and class are making the desperate and trivial attacks of the gop look infantile. Who would you rather have in Iran, Russia, or Venezuela rebuilding foreign relations? It is a no brainer for me at this point. If by some wacky fixed off chance, McSame slips into office, we will move to Nicaragua and trade our bikes for surfboards, actually that may happen either way.
The whole energy issue is just frustrating. Republicans want the sheeple of america to find some pseudo solace in their words that all our fuel worries will soon be a thing of the past as we punch holes in every virgin piece of ground this country has to offer. McSame. Gas is never really going down in price, we need to face that fact. The supply was never endless. Why is McCain in favor of keeping tax breaks for oil companies and avoiding regulation of the entire industry as they rape the citizens of earth and votes against tax breaks for companies who employ solar and wind power? I suppose the fossil himself just likes fossil fuels. The formaldehyde will drain out of McCain soon and if he were to somehow get into office, would anyone really want the most unqualified and inexperienced person in the entire election on the puppet strings if/when he did pass away? Think about it.
Enough of that crap, time to live in the moment. It is going to clear up this weekend and we will be riding. There are suggestions ranging from Kenosha Pass to the mythical yet real Woolly Mammoth ride which is close to impossible with newer forest regulations, but is it impossible? Maybe we should just go to Fruita. Either way, I will have a new toy this afternoon to take with us. I am really excited to get my garmin and I am very grateful to Jay at Geoman Gear for the great customer service. I highly recommend them for all of your GPS gear and will slap a link up on the blog. Thanks for the Geoman referral Timmy!
Sam really wanted to head out on our ride last weekend as we packed Chris's car but she soon changed her mind when she realized she would actually hate it.
She did miss the homemade pizza fest at yankee Doodle lake though. Sorry, we were too tired to walk around the clump of trees to get a clear shot. All photos by Jessica.
For someone who studied fine art photography for several years, I sure seem to post some average pics here. I am trying to get back to shooting on a more serious but more importantly, more personal level, print and digital. I may set up a separate place down the road where they can be viewed and I would love to find a quality darkroom to work in. I have worked in a few in bldr and denver but never for more than a handful of times at each as most were pretty shabby. True printing can only be learned in a darkroom and I miss printing tremendously. I do own a nice digital SLR that I suppose I should be utilizing a bit more. I think I will stop there for now.
Enjoy the weekend!
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