Thursday, June 5, 2008

Updates on a rain day

Yes, it has been raining for almost 24 hrs, a rare occurrance on the front range. I really enjoy it though and it makes this place feel so much healthier and the air more breathable. The only unfortunate part is that its fully raining on a day I had a big ride planned. I have been shut out two days in a row now and I took the day before those two off so look out tomorrow!

We got our long sleeve jerseys and vests from the Joe at Singlespeedoutlaw last week and I really like both of the pieces. The long sleeve jersey has the same look as the short sleeve with the SSO infamous striped arm warmers sported here by TT on the beautiful trails of NM.

The vests came out very nice as well. I love the stealth simple look, stout double zipper, and thicker material. Pactimo makes great team clothing and they are based out of Denver so all the better.

Next Friday the 6/13 will be the opening of Jessica's show at the Pirate gallery in Denver. In case you missed it, Dirt Rag has a link and gallery of some of her work on their website. Also, check out the ad they put in the current print issue of Dirt Rag if you have it. It is a lot of work getting ready for a show and I am sure she is happy work is out for the summer. I am really happy that her art is being recognized by a new gallery and I can't wait to be there by her side on opening night!

This got me thinking, I have always liked Friday the 13th for some reason. I don't think that it is particularly unlucky unless you are a knight of Templar who apparently had a rather unpleasant Friday the 13th about 700 yrs ago. I read that this is the main reason that started the 13th myth.

So, some of you may know that I am taking a sabbatical from work for a bit. A much needed break that I feel many of us should be entitled to. More on this as it gets closer. I am a little scared but extremely happy and excited. Hopefully my co-workers do not let it come to this before they take time for themselves. Stay sane folks and remember, just breathe

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