Sunday, June 15, 2008

6th verse same as the first

With the clock ticking down to the Firecracker 50, I need to resort to a more formal training the next two weeks so as not to disgrace my team. Started it off today with some intervals on the road bike, bletch! It has been years since I have done intervals or sprints but all went well and after a couple hrs and 6 efforts, I was feeling content. I have wanted to do the Firecracker for a few years now so as long as I finish and do not come in last, I am sure it will be a great time.

Jessica's show opened on Friday evening. Things went well and some Denver characters were out and about.

PS: the tennis rackets in the photo are not part of her show.

I met a guy named Mark there who according to him, will be the Next Next Big Thing. He was covered head to toe in screen printed flyers with his photo on them and was passing the same flyers out. I have no idea what will actually catapolt him to be the next big thing but more power to him.

I am going to shoot some better photos of the show when its not so hectic in there and I can use a tripod so stayed tuned. Until then, head down there and buy a sculpture!

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