what was that noise?
those were my thoughts as I started down the steep hill on my fixed gear commuter near our house as I was heading to the track on friday for my final session. good thing I run a brake unlike the uber hipsters because this could have been messy. it went like this, starting down the hill that will see your legs running like eggbeaters, I hear and feel a knock 1/4 of the way down. seconds later cog and lock ring are off my hub as the chain is bouncing dangerously looking for something to tangle in. the lockring threads had blown completely off the hub. I was thinking maybe the lockring had been working itself loose causing it to blow off but as someone pointed out, since the threads closest to the cog are completely blown out, it's unlikely that a loose lock ring caused this. it was quick and scary but I managed to get the cog rethreaded on the freewheel side to make it to the track for the best and last session of the course.
trust me when I say, you do not want to be a mouse looking down the barrel of Francis
Wow. Smart for running brake, that could have been way worse than just messy.
Don't mess with Francis :-)
Francis the pit bull of cats. Wonder what would happen with sammy cat and Francis in the ring????
Ed- I was happy to be running a brake and always will due to unexpected circumstances like that.
JMB-Francis could teach Sammycat how to regulate a house full of pit bulls so she can handle a new dog roommate.
Oh man....that had to be scary.
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