More on the new derivative of EPO he was using here. it's just a joke when riders get caught now. I thought he looked a bit too comfortable on stage 9. Well, top riders getting busted is nothing new and less of a let down over the years. After Vino pulled a Tyler last year, I lost faith but yes I will still watch the tour. I have decided to start cheering for 64th place and further back though. You know those guys aren't doping or at least if are, they don't know how to properly use a syringe yet.
Speaking of dope, I really like the new power bar gel blast product, much easier to eat than cliff blocks and they taste better.
The rides have been good lately and the legs are actually feeling a bit tired. I would rather be in Salida or Crested Butte next week riding some fun trails but we already paid the entry fees last winter for the Laramie Enduro so we will head up to sweat in the hills of Wyoming and shelf said rides on dreamy trails until the week after. It looks wide open and hot up there but the support seems like it will be solid and we start early so hopefully we will have a comfortable first half of the race. I think I am going to stick with the 32:19 gear I have been riding all year and just deal in the flats. There is a little bit of climbing there so I think that gear will be comfortable. I have wanted to do this race for the last couple years and it seems to fill up quickly so it should be fun times. You would be wise to stay tuned to velonews after the enduro though as I predict several of us riders will test positive for beer.
Speaking of beer, I was in the mood for something simple and cheap on the beer tip this week so I went hunting at the liquor store with the quantity over quality mentality. I usually go Dos Equis amber when I get this urge but after seeing a retro bottled beer from Full Sail, I had to give the Sessions a try. Get these little bottles cold and they go down smooth. They remind of the bottles I fetched for the grownups while staying on the finger lakes as a kid. Cool marketing on this beer. Crisp, clean finish, and very easy to drink.
If you're in the area, come by for one of my soon to be famous iced espresso drinks. Double shot with two melted cubes of Swaziland caramelized cane sugar poured over ice. They can keep their EPO and I will get by just fine with a little help from my caffeinated friend.
Happy trails and hope to ride with some of you filthy animals soon!
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