So, I shredded my rear tire sidewall in one of the, seemingly increasing, sections you ride within a ft of barbed wire fence. I quickly lost contact with most of the people I was riding with while I made the repair with empty gel packs and a tube. I had already passed the 3rd aid station which is where you can drop spare co2 and tubes so I had to go with high pressure from my big air can to ensure no pinch flats. About a 1/2hr later, I had some seatpost issues that saw my seat drop causing me to make adjustments a cpl times until my allen key blew apart that is! I just went with a low saddle height after finally using a piece of wood under the broken key to tighten my post. At that point I had obviously lost a lot of time and motivation and was just trying to finish before the heat turned up anymore than it already had. The lower seat height played tricks on me but after slamming a mini coke before headquarters climb to reverse a leg cramp, I knew all would be OK once I finished.
It was a bummer since we were told we were only 4-5 mins behind all but the lead SSers at mile 30 but things have a way of quickly turning south out there and this day would be a classic Laramie Enduro for me.
Jessica had a great race though and her 29er wheels cut some serious time off last years time.
2nd by only 2 mins or so. She even made money!
this was what was left of my muti tool after the race.
Sammycat skipped the race despite her impressive resting heart rate.
A little more my speed these days. One of several pickings out of the garden last week. We have been eating well I must say and saving food for winter.
I helped the great people of Infinit Nutrition last weekend at the Ironman qualifier by helping work their booth at the event. I learned quite a bit about nutrition and met several extremely happy customers of Infinit (some of which hide it in their sponsors name brand bottle;) and I was impressed with the level of competitors who are using the product successfully. I met a nutritionist at the event who specializes in athletes and she explained some interesting facts to me. I figured out why most gels like hammer and carboom, etc. don't work for me during events after a couple of gels. It really made sense.
Either way, I am super excited to get my first Infinit order. They sponsor the Bach Builders Team but I have never really explored their options as I used to think it was a bit out of my league. Well, customizing your nutrition to your specific needs is cheaper than you may think. If you have never checked them out, go to the Infinit website and read a little. You even get to name your own custom mixes. So far I have IPA and Beer as my custom mixes!
more soon