We rolled into the outskirts of moab mid morning Saturday. Knowing the popular trails would be mobbed, we picked a couple trails off the map, and the beaten path, that we had never ridden. We found a great overlook and we did not see a single person on the trails.
There is just so much.
Wide open.
We saved Porcupine for Sunday knowing many rode it the day before. The town itself was crowded due to a car show but we stayed outside the madness and timed the rides perfect. We saw maybe 20-25 people total on Porcupine Rim which was great since I have not done this ride in 8+yrs. We set off just north of town and rode to the trail. Slick Rock was a junk show of course but once we got up the road, it was quiet and warm.
PR is just so much better when you ride from town.
Not a bad view. The descent was incredible, technical and fun! A couple full sus guys went down at different times around us while foolishly trying to plow through tech sections without actually choosing a line. It was funny and eventually we broke clear of the tomfoolery and it was smooth sailing.
Got back to town, ate a sandwich and headed east to Fruita.
Made it to Rd 18 for an excellent loop and just after the Fat Tire Fest crowd had shoved off, perfect timing.
sunset beer
The next day we hit several of the offerings in the sunshine while the front range was under cold dark skies.
We we were just riding along those hill tops moments before
I love it when a plan comes together.